Why NeighborGoodz?

We all have quality items we no longer need, but selling to strangers can be risky and time-consuming. NeighborGoodz lets you buy and sell within your trusted network of friends and their connections.

Simply build your friend network on the platform, then browse and list items knowing every transaction connects back to someone you trust. Shop confidently at great prices within your extended friend circle.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ❓

Getting Started 🚀

How do I build my trusted network on NeighborGoodz?

Invite your friendz and trusted contacts by email in the section at the bottom of most pages. They will have to confirm your request. We also suggest people you may know on your profile page.

How far does my network extend?

You will be able to buy and sell with all of the friendz you have added (who have accepted your friendzhip), plus all of their friendz.

Network Building 🤝

How can I grow my network responsibly?

Tell your friendz about NeighborGoodz to grow your trusted network. You can also invite them directly from the NeighborGoodz website.

Can I remove someone from my trusted network?

Yes. Remove them by clicking the REMOVE FRIEND button beside their email address on your profile page

What happens if I remove someone from my trusted network?

You will no longer see one anothers' items in your feeds. You will not be able to make offerz on one anothers' items.

Buying & Selling 💰

How do I list an item for sale?

Click the + ITEM in the top navigation and then just fill in the form. We encourage you to include at least one photo (but you may include up to 3). Include enough information for someone to evaluate your item.

Is there a fee for listing an item or making an offer?

No. Both listing items and making offerz are currently fee.

How do payments work between buyers and sellers?

Payments and transfer of items are the responsibility of the buyers and sellers

Can I negotiate prices with sellers?

Yes. You can offer a price that is lower than the listed price, but the seller is never obligated to accept it.

How is delivery or pickup handled?

The transfer of goodz is the responsibility of the buyer and seller to arrange.

What types of items can I sell on NeighborGoodz?

You can sell most things on NeighborGoodz – with some exceptions. See our Rules and Prohibited Items for more details.

Privacy 🔒

Who can see my profile?

By default, only your friendz and friendz of friendz can see your profile.

Who can see my items?

By default, only your friendz and friendz of friendz can see your profile. You have the option to make a link to your item public. This enables you to share the item with friendz who are not yet on NeighborGoodz.

Trust & Safety 🛡️

How can I buy and sell safety on NeighborGoodz?

NeighborGoodz is only as safe as your trusted network. Add only people you know and trust. Be sure to confirm their email address.

What happens if there's a problem with my purchase?

NeighborGoodz facilitates connections, but is not involved in transactions. Use caution when buying from or selling to people don't know (even if though they are friendz of friendz).

Can someone outside my network see my items or try to buy from me?

Yes. friendz of friendz will be able to see your items and they will be able to make offers on your items. You are never obligated to accept any offer.

Still have questions? Contact us at hello@neighborgoodz.com